
Thumbnail of the map 'dAnger'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Bullet1994
Tags action author:bullet1994 easy unrated
Created 2007-07-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my sixth map. this is actually the first map i made, just never put it on here until now.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Long Way Home' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape II' Thumbnail of the map 'Testing' Thumbnail of the map 'Choices.'
The Long Way Home Escape Escape II Testing Choices.


Pages: (0)


demo, sorry.
Demo Data


thanks for the help!


load it into the bottom text bow, then press 3. Then, press Q to start the playback. After that, press P. To stop, go into debug mode and press W.

in level editor,

once the level's loaded, in the demo data section copy and paste all of evil___'s data into the EMPTY demo data box. then hit 3, then q, then p and don't touch anything. at least that's how i do it.

completion...could've done without so many snipes/rockets...
but how do u work demos. I know how to make my own but how do you load other peoples? still new here so please help me out.
but how do u work demos. I know how to make my own but how do you load other peoples? still new here so please help me out.
but how do u work demos. I know how to make my own but how do you load other peoples? still new here so please help me out.


Demo Data