3!otc 2

Thumbnail of the map '3!otc 2'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Evil___
Tags 31otc action author:evil___ hard inanedifficulty playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-07-14
Last Modified 2007-10-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Paranoia is a dangerous thing - you can't really hide from the enemies at any point of this map. The inside is far, far harder than the outside, which is comparatively open and non-linear.

3!otc tileset: .

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Constructum, Desumo Arcesso' Thumbnail of the map 'Box V2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Somnium Substantia' Thumbnail of the map 'Animus Cruor, Deus, Infinitus Vadum' Thumbnail of the map 'Can anyone give me a title for this?' Thumbnail of the map '3!otc 1'
Constructum, Desumo Arcesso Box V2.0 Somnium Substantia Animus Cruor, Deus, Infinitus Vadum Can anyone give me a title for this? 3!otc 1


Pages: (0)

<3 the design !

But someone told you already, nop ?

Demo Data
But you do help me make maps. I get an urge to make 'sets when I see your maps. Dunno why.

That's the closest anyone gets to influencing me.

Ouchie for the ninja in your demo. Yes, it's hard. I don't think it's the hardest map I've made, though.


this is HARD. addictive, but still.
Demo Data


question: are you really influenced by my mapmaking style?

jus wondering.
Demo Data