Tomb Raider

Thumbnail of the map 'Tomb Raider'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author shroomfry
Tags author:shroomfry hard raider rated tomb
Created 2007-07-07
Last Modified 2008-06-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Just like playing the real tomb raider, only your character is somewhat less sexy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't fall!' Thumbnail of the map 'THE_VAULT' Thumbnail of the map 'Pitfall' Thumbnail of the map 'The all seeing eye'
Don't fall! THE_VAULT Pitfall The all seeing eye


Pages: (0)


This is your best map. Sure, there's some crazy-ass object placement, and some stuff that annoys people (the exit at the beginning), but it all adds to the tomb raiding atmosphere. Most maps don't have a tenth of the personality that this map does.

Plus that monkey face (I'm assuming it's a monkey) at the end is fucking AWESOME.

Demo Data


Gimme a break! this is like my best map! and by the way, the last 1 was an error in the code when i submitted it! this is the ORIGANAL!!!


Demo Data


Get rid of the exit at the beging its really stupid to have it there


And the N.... thingy.... is sexy, ALRIGHT>?!


this is still shit.