Close but Far

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Author cathal
Tags action author:cathal challenging difficult playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-07-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Try to find the right way to use the ramps in order to reach the ledges, press the switch and move onto the next mini-challenge, try to avoid the n block in the middle which is coated with mines. I could've added gause turrets or some drones but I feel the map is difficult enough already. Try to all-gold the level for an extra challenge.

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Here's demo data of the level being completed. Yeah i know i do take a while to finish the level, but i'm only an average player, i thought it'd be a nice challenge to better players to try to finish the level. I wish this level would be included in the next version of the game as it puts up a similar challenge to other episodic maps.
Demo Data
It is possible, it took me about 20 tries but i did it, yeah i know, 20 tries for my own map. It is tagged as difficult


the 3rd part.

i am wondering

how the hell you beat the 1st part.
but it's just a little bit to tricky to be enjoyable and you've used a bit too much of everything. There are too many doors and mines and there's too much gold. Just below average.