Echo - Five

Thumbnail of the map 'Echo - Five'

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Author mrgy05
Tags author:mrgy05 playable template tileset unrated
Created 2007-07-06
Last Modified 2007-07-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Here you all go!

- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Backyard Laser Tag' Thumbnail of the map 'The Truth Of My Life' Thumbnail of the map 'On This Pedestal Like Your Trophy - Lies' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Turn Back' Thumbnail of the map 'Plutonium Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Raw Carnage'
Backyard Laser Tag The Truth Of My Life On This Pedestal Like Your Trophy - Lies Don't Turn Back Plutonium Mine Raw Carnage


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messes with my eyes, cool

you get a 4 from me, cos i luv how the long lines run into the wall and mess wiv my eyes :D
Thanks Mectradevil!


not at all! go for it.

I agree

and it makes the mid right room accessible. Mind if I change it?
but... might I suggest doing THIS: 11111I21111111111P1111110F1E001111111111P11111E00BP001111111111111111P00CP00B1MJ111115N00F11A0?1D0000;46111A0>800210?1110000:531E0000FQQQ1@0211@000GK11P00000000BD0002P00C1111D00000000C100000001111110000000G11LOOH000FQQ111000000711111MJN4000021I00000?11111E3<N11L0000000003111111D2=>111L00000000111111110000000000000000FJ111150000000000000000>11111@000000000000000;<>111E0000000000000000250K1140000000003140000000021A00000000C111D0000000>500000GOOO1QQQ1OOOOH000@0000?90001111E00006@0000000N00001921D0000?A0?00000C@000B8?1=0000N00C00000000000B1E00000N001@00000000000P000000NGK1D0000BA00000P00000311A611140N000000P000?11P1@71111111LH000P003111P1DB11111P1111400?11111D:=C11111D:1111=C1111111LK1111111LOOOOK11111111111|5^84,180
I think it makes for better presentation... just me.


The playable tag off of tilesets.