
Thumbnail of the map 'Momentum'

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Author calamity7
Tags action author:calamity7 easyish not-too-flowey playable race rated
Created 2007-06-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description the trick is to hold left and up after u hit the second launch pad . and yes, u will get out eventually. its my first race so it aint that great.enjoy! and comment

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It has its moments, but did you really need that little launch pad circle at the start? That was annoying.


I think most people would say that this level is very nooby and stupid. The weird thing for me is that although parts of the level are weird and the launchpads through the mines are either impossible or almost I really like this level. I'm pretty sure that the reason is because I haven't seen this level a million times before. Keep making levels like this.


a little launchpad happy, but still really cool

ya i know

i guess i dont know why i said that

As far as I know

The UP key does nothing in N. I get out of the loop by simply pressing left att he right time, then releasing it so you can drop straight down.
Demo Data


here the demo just to prove u can get outta there
Demo Data