Tangled Up in Me

Thumbnail of the map 'Tangled Up in Me'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Aju
Tags action arcade author:aju dedication gauss rated rocket
Created 2007-06-26
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description I made this for smort, so obviously, I used his tileset. It's essentially a dedication to him. You're the second best person in my life, dude.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Come Unto Me' Thumbnail of the map 'You SO Are' Thumbnail of the map 'Nintendo 64, And Then Some' Thumbnail of the map 'Sub-Culture' Thumbnail of the map 'You Are: Elephant Flamingo' Thumbnail of the map 'Serendipity II'
Come Unto Me You SO Are Nintendo 64, And Then Some Sub-Culture You Are: Elephant Flamingo Serendipity II


Pages: (0)

but it's exactly 1200 frames long XD
Demo Data

Not only that...

But it's good!



another map with 6 votes yet still not one comment....that must really bug you....ah well, the map is good....