The Flying Dutchman and his Stormrace

Thumbnail of the map 'The Flying Dutchman and his Stormrace'

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Author b3njamin
Tags author:b3njamin b3njamin difficult playable race rated
Created 2007-06-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description DANG! its hard full of drones,rockets, close calls, minimum lag (there is maby a bit lag but it works for me)
I wanted more drones but that lag :( aw well
try it- I'm gonna play it much more:)

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in the air you have gain speed somehow to survive :)
your timing has to be perfect.
(I knew already that that was like that, I playtested it)
see demo
Demo Data

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completion demo

ps there is flow on the left side but I missed a tile there and coudn't follow the there (at the wallclimbing part)
Demo Data

flow is awesome,

but the drones resrict people to rushing, and though i think it's a great concept, it ight get frusterating after a while 4/5

Demo Data