Lost In My Documents

Thumbnail of the map 'Lost In My Documents'

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Author mrgy05
Tags action author:mrgy05 playable rated
Created 2007-06-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description LOL I just found this level shoved away in my documents in a "newlevel.docx" I think I did this last month sometime... but I'm not quite sure. Enjoy.

- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

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Pillow Fight Stone Devil Fire Cracker Cubed Sylvester Stallone - Rocky Balboa Eternity


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it is nice, a little easy though. Much better than I thought it would be =D

more of the same

don't know about the good and the bad
by the way, I just noticed the drone path.
nice work on them!
Too bad you did not use them for the gameplay, as they are not really bothering N...
You just have to be quick, check out the demo I posted, it's not AGD but it does get the gold in both rooms.


Not AGD, but It could have been easy..
Demo Data


a fun moment.
the big spot of gold is really hard. I don't know it's it possible to dodge the rocket while passing the door...
I did not like the minefield... Maybe with some gold in it...
Demo Data

nice map

i tried going up the shaft to the right, but for some reason or other, i couldn't get it, so i tried just going through the middle. from there, completion wasn't too hard. i liked the placement of enimies, not too hard, not too easy either. the tileset is exquisite, and bomb placement wasn't too frusterating. 4/5