Inca Caves

Thumbnail of the map 'Inca Caves'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MonkeyinaBOX
Tags author:monkeyinabox playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-06-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Its quite a short level, and only really a puzzle at the start, but i thought it was more puzzly than action. Its not too hard either, and its probably the quickest map to load i have ever made! haha

Other maps by this author

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Power Surge Power Core Why did the ninja cross the road? Rain, rain, go away... Classic Platform TubeWays


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Good job

I like this map. Challenging, but not in a cheap way.

You have pleased me

you do have potential 4/5


Dont watch until youve had a few goes because it shows you how to do it. Not the fastest demo because i mess up a few times but it shows you what to do.
Demo Data


i like the thwump puzzle. but i can't get it. i'm pretty sure i know how to, but i can't get it.
quite a fun level. not bad.