
Thumbnail of the map 'Jackpot'

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Author N-AJ-N
Tags author:n-aj-n playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-06-14
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I got really bored one day and decided to make a couple mini-levels, well, I only ended up making 2 but this one was better then the other, its not the greatest but it'll probably take you a minimum of 2 times to beat it lol

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nice idea...

and finally someone who doesn't make a bad level using his good idea too often in one map.. this one is short, yeah.. but that's why it's good


i really wish it was more challenging and i the hidden mine is just annoying.


Ok map, it could be longer. Heres a demo but ofcourse not an AGD cuz you cant get all gold :/
Demo Data


Demo Data


like it a lot. Would've had higher vote if there was no hidden mine + if it was a teensy bit bigger!