Sewers of Gold

Thumbnail of the map 'Sewers of Gold'

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Author josh09
Tags author:josh09 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-06-15
Last Modified 2005-06-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description hi this is my 2nd map and i work hard on it. plz give constructive critique. N finds himself in sewers filled with gold! there are anti zap drone zones scattered accross the map.

Other maps by this author

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Death by gold


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the reason i dont think chaingun or laser drones would be a good idea is that the sewer is so narrow it would nt make a diffrence


wasn't very puzzle-ish, because the locked doors are visible, but nonetheless pretty fun.
i love the use of the normal doors, as a "safe spot".
Demo Data


My only comment is that the mines don't really add much, so consider taking them out. Also, like Miff said, remove some drones, or for another challenge, add a chaingun in place of a zap drone.
its supposed to be easy

All gold

First try. It was surprisingly fun. 3/5
Demo Data

easy level

the level was fun and all but i agree too much gold!!!!!!!!!!!!

way to much gold so much infact that it lags the gold didnt help anything i can get it all its just theri for no reason mabye if you even deleated every other one that would help out alot with lag

and second make the drones all go diffrent ways that would make it more fun because they could come from wherever

over all i liked your level so i give it a 3
Demo Data
Firstly, less gold. I know the theme is lots of gold, but the amount there removes any time pressure, as well as making it harder to find where the switches are, which is annoying. Possibly only put a piece or two in the corners, since that will still force the player to go through the entire system if they're after an all-gold time?

Secondly, you don't need three zap drones to the job of one. You can cut them down, as they seem to all follow the same path, or otherwise give them all different pathing commands.

Thirdly, the doors don't seem to do much except give N a place to rest while all the zap drones pass him by. You could open the areas up and therefore make it a bit more tense.

Still, it has the basics of a decent map, so 3.