Psychedelic KRA

Thumbnail of the map 'Psychedelic KRA'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-06-10
Map Data

Description A gnarly KRA that takes practice.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Electric flow' Thumbnail of the map 'Easier Done Than Said' Thumbnail of the map 'Get in Gear' Thumbnail of the map 'Think positive!' Thumbnail of the map 'Lonely Night' Thumbnail of the map 'Nano KRADDA'
Electric flow Easier Done Than Said Get in Gear Think positive! Lonely Night Nano KRADDA


Pages: (0)

Go ahead, why_me.

Cheat away! :) Let's see it.


sorry for double posting, but why are this map's ratings disabeld?

I guess I'll just fave it, then.
If you want, I could post a cheat-demo.

Very good, though! 4/5! It's very challenging, though...