
Thumbnail of the map 'Waterfall'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bobaganuesh_2
Tags author:bobaganuesh_2 playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-06-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Looks like a waterfall. You go splat when
you drop to the bottom from the top like
on a real waterfall. It must be a waterfall
map :|

Other maps by this author

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Norm Arrowz Jugler Zeal Telepotty Hurry


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neat map, love the placement of the mines, not too hard, yet not too easy. Great job getting the laser drones in the right configuration, that was tricky to get past. 4/5


i like it

Fairly good map.

The switches are a little akward to get, but i really like the concept.