Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

Thumbnail of the map 'Danger Will Robinson, Danger!'

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Author Why_Me
Tags author:why_me dda rated
Created 2007-06-06
Last Modified 2007-06-07
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description ====HOLD LEFT====
====HOLD RIGHT====

This is a hold right or left DDA. It was hard to make, because sometimes when I did something, it interfered with the other half of the DDA.

I know that this DDA is short, and I mean really short, but at least I tried. It has close calls with the 4 laser drones no matter which way you go. I don't know which way is faster or has more close calls, so you'll just have to try them both out.

This DDA has 6 homing launchers and 4 laser drones. Please play this, comment on this, rate this, and hopefully don't hate this!

P.S. The thumbnail isn't very good. Please play this level to see how good it is, and don't rate it on the thumbnail or how short it is.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2577863' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mexican Sombrero' Thumbnail of the map 'I Try So Hard...' Thumbnail of the map 'I Try So Hard...' Thumbnail of the map 'Your Broken Mirror' Thumbnail of the map 'The Lone Flower In A Field Of War'
2577863 The Mexican Sombrero I Try So Hard... I Try So Hard... Your Broken Mirror The Lone Flower In A Field Of War


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good one

really good but both ways are pretty short, and i like the right better even tho its shorter. id like to see more of these, even tho i no its frustrating wen the rest of it gets messed up w/ small changes

Rather short

and there was a lot of empty spots in the map. Still, very nice. 4.5/5

An absolutely

brilliant map

Pretty good.

I think the right way is better.

Was that some sort of unintentional pun?


it works... hold left or right the whole time and hold it before you hit caps. got it?

@Why_Me... love your work man! good job. 5/5 cause its cool. care to rate some of my maps?

is it just me?

is it just me, or do nither sides work? for me, you get hit by a laser going left,, and when i go right,, you get hit by rocket. i managed to win going right, but only by pressing right to stop on a wall, dodge the rocket, and then continue.

same as jugglekid

liked the right way better but very good idea and it works really well, well done! 5/5

Great job

Good job man, i've never seen one like this. I Think the concept makes up for the amount of time. 5/5


I liked the right half better, but both are still pretty good.