Comments on "Shrine"

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dont leave..

cmooon thats a helluva good level...dont leave.


Oh least I got your last rating up by .5


...this is awesome 5/5 madness...

This is a shock!

leaving? this couldn't be!

*who me? couldn't be!* hehehe.... that's a funny rhyme..

man, this is horrible. there are only so many enjoyable authors, and now one of them leaving? a shame indeed.
i say this map is "pinned" to the Numa homepage in honor of Zorn! =)
i hope you come back someday though. we'll miss you.


for all your kind remarks...

Here's a somewhat hacked demo just to prove that this level is very possible...

Have fun all....
Demo Data
But it's too hard to be fun. No vote from me. Shame you're leaving...


You have strong character to be able to quit, but I sure will miss your maps. Your stay here has been short but very sweet, for all of us.

Great map, the gameplay complements your style nicely.

Don't leave me.

Just quit your job. Run away from home. Do whatever it takes. That's what I did. All I have left is N. And... and.. that's all I need. That's all anyone needs.

Loved the level. It's really artsy and very fun. 4/5
I can stop anytime.....I......want......GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I haven't played in 47 seconds!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH Seriously, you should stay and try to control your "addiction" (lol} Awesome though 5/5


This is way hard. 0_o
Demo Data


It looks really cool, and is pretty fun to play.
Sorry you're leaving, but I hope you don't have N-withdrawal.
it's a shame to see you go and thanks for the great maps.


N was taking over my life. I needed to quit.


No! You were one of the only hopes left, with all of the corruptitude of numa these days!