
Thumbnail of the map 'Framework'

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Author Hellheart
Tags author:hellheart playable race rated
Created 2005-06-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description An easier level, some jittery spots but you can blast through the whole thing, as there's not a place you need to stop and several you need to be going quite quickly to pass. I think this flows really well :)

Other maps by this author

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Trick Mirror Precision Series 1 Precision Series 2 Single Tileset Motifs: Tri-N-Gular Single Tileset Motifs: Pixellated Single Tileset Motifs: In Pain


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I couldn't find a way to make this seem incredible, so I just stuck with making it streamlined and solid, and lowering the difficulty so it isn't frustrating


I died right at the end. this is a nice little race map, but it just doesn't seem amazing, if you know what I mean. It is almost a four in my book, but not quite. it just feels like it needs a little sprucing up. I won't rate it just yet though.


Yeah, definately one of my easiest maps, but it's rather fun to play :)
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