rough around the edges

Thumbnail of the map 'rough around the edges'

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Author aderberry2
Tags author:aderberry2 playable survival unrated
Created 2007-05-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my first map... rate plz


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Faster AGD
Demo Data
but i agree with lord day. Also, open it up just a bit more, it seemed a little cramped to me.
I enjoyed it :)

Here is some advice:
1) Don't hide enemies. It doesn't look good, and isn't fun to play against.
2) Don't force the player to go through long stretches of the level twice. It's pretty boring.
3) The area with all the doors was messy. I suggest that you keep the door mechanics neat and simple, it looks and plays better.

Hope that helps.

the demo

read the title lol
Demo Data