
Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped'

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Author Rocketchess
Tags author:rocketchess playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-05-28
Last Modified 2007-05-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first Map so I hope you like it.

This level requires going back and forth to unlock everything.

Please include suggestions of how I could improve it.


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welcome to Numa first of all!!
From this I can see that you have the potential to be a great editor.

Just try not to make the map too difficult by bunching enemies together or putting items in unreachable spots.

Otherwise, good luck and a great map too!!!


Oh damn

I accidentally rated it 2.5/5
Ill give you some suggestions.I see that you have alot of potential to be a good map author.

1. Make sure that the gold is possible to get (gold with mines is impossible)
2.Don't bunch up enemies so much (chainguns)
3.Try not to make map repetitive (back and forth so much)

I really liked the room with the thwumps, rocket and gauss and the drones were half decent.

3/5 for your first map.