
Thumbnail of the map 'Scratch'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ingrid
Tags author:ingrid playable race rated
Created 2007-05-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description my first DECENT race. RATE PLZ!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Almost Symmetrical' Thumbnail of the map 'Disconnect' Thumbnail of the map 'determination' Thumbnail of the map 'Umm... Watch Out For That Crater' Thumbnail of the map 'Dreamer' Thumbnail of the map 'amuN'
Almost Symmetrical Disconnect determination Umm... Watch Out For That Crater Dreamer amuN


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Are you supposed to be able to cheet?
Demo Data

a couple parts need some fixing but overall it was not bad
i'll give yah a 4! :D

Not bad.

I liked the aesthetics, and the loops were fun as well, but the flow was ruined by the trapdoors near the end. There are a few ways to fix it (e.g., using a 4 tile (with 1 trapdoor, to line up the ninja) to propel yourself into the shaft), but I'll leave that up to you. Overall, though, it was nice.

Demo Data


Most of the level has good flow
Demo Data