Turn Over

Thumbnail of the map 'Turn Over'

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Author Jugglekid
Tags action author:jugglekid playable rated
Created 2007-05-23
Last Modified 2007-05-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Cool map. Fun, flowy, enjoy.
Fastest AGD by June fifth gets a DED

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Natural Selection' Thumbnail of the map 'Strawberries and Syrup' Thumbnail of the map 'Witchcraft' Thumbnail of the map 'It Didn't Even Leave a Footprint' Thumbnail of the map 'Schloss Neuschwanstein' Thumbnail of the map 'Forceful'
Natural Selection Strawberries and Syrup Witchcraft It Didn't Even Leave a Footprint Schloss Neuschwanstein Forceful


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I'll give it to you walrus_of_death unless someone else beats your demo. I'll also fix the map so you don't hit the mine coming down there.


If you hadn't put that stupid mine there, I would have had an AGD.
Demo Data


Doesn't work too well now walrus_of_death.


Demo Data


june fifth? planning ahead of yo'self aintcha?
here's my first try AG attempt, and subsequent death. nice map. mostly good object placement and a distinct but familiar visual flair. 4/5.
Demo Data