Trailer Park Asassination

Thumbnail of the map 'Trailer Park Asassination'

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Author ThWuMpA
Tags action author:thwumpa playable rated
Created 2005-06-10
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Get away from the bad guys in the truck by going into your secret underground lair, only to find it is being patrolled by more bad guys. Can you get out? And post your demo data when finished!!

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Un-Innocent Eyes The Sands of Time Terror at 30,000 Feet Un-Innocent Eyes Watch where you walk! StalegMight


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check out my map:(


this map is HORRIBLE!0/5!


dont cluster floor guards or they'll end up as one very laggy floor guard

This sucks

It has no flow, the item placement is sloppy, and it's pretty damn impossible

This sucks

It has no flow, the item placement is sloppy, and it's pretty damn impossible