
Thumbnail of the map 'piping'

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Author 3ger
Tags author:3ger playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-05-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description one of my first maps i built and my very first map on numa.

hope you like it =)


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but a few things you may want to work on:

1. TILESET: make it look nice and fun to play. I could tell without reading the description that this was a new member's map. Try using different shaped tiles.

2. Enemies. Don't use all or nearly all in your maps. It gets quite frustrating. Pick one, and base your theme on it.

3. Mines. They may be enemies, but mines are 100% different. Use them in ways to best annoy those who play it without making them have to get right on the dot with the frame number.

However, you did not clutter, nor did you place a billion peices of gold in one room, so you get a 2/5.

good first. I hope to see some of your future maps.