
Thumbnail of the map 'Circle'

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Author Latis
Tags author:latis dda unrated
Created 2007-05-18
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my very first DDA level. I hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super N 3-The dangerous elevator' Thumbnail of the map 'Super N 5-Damn!Z´s Knights acquit themselves' Thumbnail of the map 'Super N 6-The Labyrinth of Perdition' Thumbnail of the map 'Super N 2-Save the people in the Skyscraper' Thumbnail of the map 'Super N 4-The 6 stages of death' Thumbnail of the map 'The gauss turret'
Super N 3-The dangerous elevator Super N 5-Damn!Z´s Knights acquit themselves Super N 6-The Labyrinth of Perdition Super N 2-Save the people in the Skyscraper Super N 4-The 6 stages of death The gauss turret


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This is actuall quite good. Next time, try adding more enemies.

not bad

for your first dda, this is pretty decent. 3/5. a few suggestions: first of all, try to rerain from long waiting on thwumps. try to refrain from using only jump pads. your inclusion of trap doors is good, just tyr to experiment with more new ways of propulsion. one last thing: most people can't stand gold delay. I personally think it's kind of cool and sometime scanbe very helpful, but i suggest never using it unless there is ABSOLUTELY no other option.


not bad for your first DDA, atleast considering there is variation. 3/5