Ninja boot camp

Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja boot camp'

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Author deadeye
Tags author:deadeye episodic playable puzzle test unrated
Created 2007-05-16
Last Modified 2007-07-24
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This level has a little of almost everything, the first person with a completion demo will get the next level I make dedicated to them.Please rate it and tell me what I did wrong because this is my first level.


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June 16!?

Man, people will have forgotten about this map by then! Hell, people will forget it by tommorow. Maps don't last long here unless they get bitesized. Anyway, first off, I would like to say that if someone said "Would you like to play 'Ninja boot camp' again?" I would say, "No." Why? it started off really repetetive and the harder stuff is nearer the end meaning that if I died, I would have to do the repetetive thingy again. I did like quite a lot of it though so that's why you get 3.5.


If nobody beats it before June 16, can i get the level dedicated to me? Its a good level, but a little too hard for my liking. You are obviously a natural at this if this is your first one, so keep at it!