Lockin' up for the night

Thumbnail of the map 'Lockin' up for the night'

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Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 dda rated
Created 2007-05-12
Last Modified 2007-05-12
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Yes, I have finally gained enough strength to try to make a DDA, even after my last few disasters. This one's about 1300 frames or so. Ded to Clifty's "The Right Angle" because it was the first user map I ever watched. You're awesome Clifty!

Sponsored by trap door and thwump propulsion: finding cleaner, more efficient forms of energy for DDAists everywhere!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dislogicated' Thumbnail of the map 'Spidey' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold glitch revisited' Thumbnail of the map 'Wait, where's the "down" button on this elevator?' Thumbnail of the map 'SimoN Says' Thumbnail of the map 'Quit shoving!'
Dislogicated Spidey Gold glitch revisited Wait, where's the "down" button on this elevator? SimoN Says Quit shoving!


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3.5/5. There were too many long waits...
but it's hard when using thwumps for propulsion.

There's a whole lot

of N just sitting there with nothing targeting him. Try to make the next one a lot faster paced. On the other hand, good use of propulsion. 3/5