Death Scene

Thumbnail of the map 'Death Scene'

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Author McFizzle
Tags author:mcfizzle n-art rated
Created 2007-05-07
Last Modified 2007-05-07
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description N is shown here trying to avoid a laser drone, homing rocket, and gauss turret. When I was almost done with it, my PC locked up and I had to do it all over again. Well here it is. RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Battlefield' Thumbnail of the map 'They come in threes' Thumbnail of the map 'Quantum Leap' Thumbnail of the map 'Big Square' Thumbnail of the map 'Battlefield 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Ocean View'
Battlefield They come in threes Quantum Leap Big Square Battlefield 2 Ocean View


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just ignore that :)

no i mean

its a joke(like *talks n00bish*you make better arts then me *collapses and starts crying*)

oh i get it now

u thought i used a generator. i didnt. load the level and see. i thought u meant could i draw it on paper, and the answer to that is yes, but i did not use a generator.

what do u mean

by cheater?




i didnt draw it by hand but I probably could


FINALLY somebody hwo can draw *realistic* N stuff.

did you draw it by hand?
How? Tell me and I'll do it.

Wooah, nice

Woooah nicely done! I made one like it, with the ninja / mines / gold / exit-switch part of the tileset. But this is better! :) well done.


i think it could have been done better... 3/5


done sooooooo many times before.


That is really cool!!!


looks good from a distance