Trails of Death

Thumbnail of the map 'Trails of Death'

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Author Blue_Bug
Tags action author:blue_bug playable unrated
Created 2007-05-01
Last Modified 2007-05-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Its harder now!

The four trails:
1. The trail of dodging
2. The trail of focus
3. The trail of jump control
4. The trail of imposable situations

Yes, This is possible, If you beat them, please post replay data!

!!! I MADE "Blue Bug" NAME UP, But I wish I could change it because it's already taken, if you're reading this and you have the power to change my name, Please Change It TO "Map_maker123!!!


Pages: (0)

ok then.

...Ok, try and beat Security Breach, One of my other maps.


I'm Unstoppable.
Demo Data
See if you can Beat it now.


Second part is still no harder
Demo Data

I like your map. 4.5


maby I shold make it harder.


Demo Data