Wake-Up Call

Thumbnail of the map 'Wake-Up Call'

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Author KaosMastr
Tags author:kaosmastr dda unrated
Created 2007-04-30
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description No good one.

Other maps by this author

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My-First-Ever-DDA It Takes a Thief Trapdoor Frenzy I'm Confused Need Some Eye Drops?


Pages: (0)


Fun map :)
Demo Data
Wow, this one was a toughie.
Propulsion: Too many launchpads; however, you used a great variety of other propulsion methods. 2.5/5
Fun-to-watch: Eh. 2.5/5 also.
Space usage: You went corner to corner, but only certain isolated spots occupied N. 2.5/5 again!
No extra bonuses. We all know what your average rating is.
