This Fire

Thumbnail of the map 'This Fire'

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Author romaniac
Tags action author:romaniac playable rated
Created 2007-04-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description best song by Franz Ferdinand

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Water Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Foreverender 2' Thumbnail of the map 'What Lies Beneath' Thumbnail of the map 'Plink' Thumbnail of the map 'Secret' Thumbnail of the map 'Haemorrhage'
Water Race Foreverender 2 What Lies Beneath Plink Secret Haemorrhage


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It's a slow demo, but this is far too long for me to do a faster one.

It's just too long for the challenges to not wear down on me. If the gold near the rocket turret were better-placed, it would be much more tolerable.
Demo Data
I heard i ton burnout 3....anyway back to the map....ummmmm.....a fairly good hybrid map...... floorgaurd, thwump and some of the gold was messy......3/5.


like, bottom 4

cant play now.. ill try to but ive got dinner
...40 ft, Walk Away, You're The Reason I'm Leaving, and Come On Home are all better.

Oh... Great map btw, 4.