Beware the Traps! v2

Thumbnail of the map 'Beware the Traps! v2'

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Author JordzZ
Tags action author:jordzz playable unrated
Created 2007-04-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The upgrade to the first version, Beware the Traps!. I had to make a new user because I forgot the Password to my other user. Anyway, its a lot different and better than the other one, although the title doesnt really have any relevance to the map anymore. Post your comments and ideas of how you think I could make it better :)


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yeah the map is ok
try to use more imaginaitive tiles


I'm sure that all those snipers out there will stop dead in there tracks after that severe warning you gave them. (not.)
believe me, the snipers arn't going to stop just because you tell them to.
Actually, it makes you an even bigger target since they know that it will piss you off if they snipe you.
whatever. the map is okaaay....
Heres the link for the old version:

It was made on the other account that I forgot the password to.

The upgrade

to the first version. Read the description for more info. Im quite happy with it. NO SNIPING!