Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!

Thumbnail of the map 'Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!'

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Author VV33
Tags author:vv33 rated test
Created 2007-04-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description this is a compleate level... the fist half is compleatly tile based. its is suposed to let you apresiate just the very very fundimentals of N, the stuff you had trouble with when begining. timing and make jumps acurate. wall jumping, ect. ect.

the secound half is just a simple action sequence


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'additional insanity' Thumbnail of the map 'i crumbled to dust' Thumbnail of the map 'revolutionary salad' Thumbnail of the map 'cage of night' Thumbnail of the map 'a dirge to those unknown' Thumbnail of the map 'the wide wide world'
additional insanity i crumbled to dust revolutionary salad cage of night a dirge to those unknown the wide wide world


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and a fun map for noobs. 3.5/5


meh... tileset was a 4.5, but I hated how the only difficult part was at the end and the rest was just maneuvering without enemies. Moderation between the two would be far better in my opinion. 3.5/5
Demo Data


It is intersetingly simple but difficult. I really like it. And the tileset is really cool. 4.5/5