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Author v_to_the_fifth
Tags author:v_to_the_fifth dda rated
Created 2007-04-08
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description the wost dda in the history of N. It was my first that i made a long time ago and if anyone wants to see what a n00bish dda looks like then this is the one to see

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Slash' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiked glory' Thumbnail of the map 'The Unlocked Corridor' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump or Die' Thumbnail of the map 'THE CANNON'
Slash Spiked glory The Unlocked Corridor Jump or Die THE CANNON


Pages: (0)

Wow v_to_the-fifth!

I'm not going to say anything so I get scolded by you. ug.

It's pretty cool!!

Now maybe this is just me but I thought it was good!!!! It's a lot better than my DDA!!!

I give it a 3.5/5!!!
u need to work on it a lot for me to win the level i had to move around but i will give u a ok rating sence u at least tryed i might give u a 1/5 or 0.5/5

i'm pretty sure

that this was in fact my very fist dda way back when i decided that i should try my hand at making dda levels. I'm not even an N finatic, i write books instead which, though slower in the making, is a lot more rewarding. clearly from this map, i'm stopping production of posted dda's. While searching through the numorous levels that i made, i found it and dedcided to see what people would think of it. i do have a lot more ones that are even more aweful than this one, absolutly slow as a slug and repetitive as a third grader on a sugar high. I'm not submitting them for the good of NUMA. This was actually just an experement and it seemed that Donfuy and jamesbale2000 both played the role of the pessimistic people who ride out their pitiful lives putting down others in order to make themselves feel supirior. I'm not saying i am supirior in anyway, for i'm an amazing nerd who has been told to crawl into a hole and die many times, and who has been threatened to death even more. I don't feel much pain anymore, so that is why i don't feel affected by Donfuy and jamesbale2000 at all. Now, we encounter jimmy_mcnabb and z33r0, the other role in this experement who plays the part of the realist slash optimist, and no, i was not sarcastic. People like jimmy_mcnabb, or z33r0 are those who look at the world the way it should be viewed, such as my map, and accpet it, but also try to make it better, hence the comment. people like him are those that set the world straight, and make it better. The next and final role is the role of the true optimist, RocketPantsProductions (sweet name by the way). People such as them are those that make the best out of any situation. They are the golden topping to the world, and the ones that Donfuy and jamesbale2000 constantly try to crush, but to no avail. Without them, the greedy and malevelont people would reign as blackened kings and the world would fall into despair as every shard of light that challanged the inky blackness would be sucked in and snuffed out. So concludes my experement and i thank all those who participated, expecially z33r0 for your wonderful advice, jimmy_mcnabb for seeing the world for what it is, and RocketPantsProductions for your awesome name and great outlook on life.


rather than say boring or terrible, i will like gice some constructive critisims. first, add enemies. second use different types of propulsions and third, think carefully before making a map. 0/5

Hey man

I thought this was pretty nice, I mean, I cant do that...

Im not gonna rate it but I'd like you to know that I thought it was a bit slow, but better than what i could produce currently.

Good for you, nice post.

thats nice

i still really don't care. are you being sarcastic, or what?
and i was curious to think of what people thought of it. Clearly you thought that it was a good value of your time to tell me that i should not post things like this because they are useless. And judgeing by the fact that i had enough guts to post this and call it the most god aweful dda ever, then obviosly, your comment is irrevalent to me. Then we encounter the paradox of the fact that your comment is ruining my map page and at the same time you are accusing me of ruining NUMA. So now, think of what a big mess you have gotten into, tangling with me you hypocrites and take this as an example not to stick your noses where they shouldn't be, even if they were long enough to limbo under. Oh, and jimmy_mcnabb, thank you oh so much for your raiting, and it is people like you, who make NUMA better rather then Jimesbale2000 and Doufus, oh, sorry, Donfuy. I salute you.
in rating this 0.5


I don't know why did you did this... 0.5/0

people like you ruin NUMA.