Part II

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Author Sianinja
Tags author:sianinja playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-04-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Part Two of Two

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Around and Around' Thumbnail of the map 'The Silencer' Thumbnail of the map 'Sharp Squares' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Drove Cove Cone' Thumbnail of the map 'Sombrero Party' Thumbnail of the map 'Part I'
Around and Around The Silencer Sharp Squares Drone Drove Cove Cone Sombrero Party Part I


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@ inconspicuous

how much of a total noob are you? i was just telling him what was wrong with his map. you just posted 6 comments, 3 of which are different. next time you go around telling people to shut up, you should know what the fuck you are talking about. i dont care if ratings are subjective, this is in no way a 4.

oopsie daisy

i didnt look at part 1, pretty stupid of me, no criticisms here anymore. And if any1 else is seeing the double posts i;m sorry i did that on accident...

oopsie daisy

i didnt look at part 1, pretty stupid of me, no criticisms here anymore. And if any1 else is seeing the double posts i;m sorry i did that on accident...


hey skyline356, next time your gonna open your mouth why don't you just shove your fist in it and make everyone else happy, Ok?.... =)

nice work

only criticism i have is that the other side of the level should be used other thn that its hard, exciting and intriguing, 4/5 =)

nice work

only criticism i have is that the other side of the level should be used other thn that its hard, exciting and intriguing, 4/5 =)


hey skyline356, next time your gonna open your mouth why don't you just shove your fist in it and make everyone else happy, Ok?.... =)


was pretty damn stupid. you should have just made two separate maps. or better yet, use the time you took to resub the map with the ninja on the different side and try to improve this map. way too much gold and enemies, the tileset sucked, and there are too many switches. also, try to make your maps a little more open. nobody likes tunnel/room maps.