
Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja'

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Author mrgy05
Tags author:mrgy05 n-art rated
Created 2007-04-06
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I don't know if this needs much of a description... but I will tell you this one hurt my mouse hand! Usually I break my N Arts into sections so I have a break but I just did this one straight through. º_º Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it.


- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Unknown Man' Thumbnail of the map 'Rainy Day' Thumbnail of the map 'A Taste of N' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribal Terror (Final)' Thumbnail of the map 'Imagine' Thumbnail of the map 'The Final Days'
Unknown Man Rainy Day A Taste of N Tribal Terror (Final) Imagine The Final Days


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btw, 4.5/5 + fave


nman... You're pathetic. He's doing nothing, maybe you have bad antifreeze. You get hot-tempered pretty easily.


i don't believe you that you did it with your other hand. Looks so good that it makes me think that you did it with your mouse hand...anyway, overall good
so get one instead trash talking


I agree with you...

I wish I could erase half the the comments
Im gunna give it a 4/5. Its pretty cool. Way better than I can ever do.
Remind you of someone? It's because your parents don't love you, infact no one loves you.
but you cant make comebacks

its histerical

that you keep saying that youll stop arguing but you're not stopping, and you're walking away you little pussy
Keep pushing a subject of which you're the only one talking about. I don't need to prove anything to you.

its funny how you

never denied that you have know friends girlfriends or that you kissed a girl
I mention one thing about criticism on your work and you bounce off the wall like a nut, why don't you close the Numa window and calm down.

look im typing

typing typing typing typing

and besides

my N art looks good why change it, it could have a lower rating

you made me pissed off big time

Look kid,

I'm not argueing with you anymore, why don't you suck it up and stop your hands from typing.
atleast i actually have a girlfriend and friends
unlike you with no friends or girlfriends, you probably never kissed a girl

Burger king?

what the hell is burger king?

sorry i dont know

how to spell criticism im not a half pint nerd like you
and people seem to like my N art they are all 3.5/ 4/5 and 4.5/5
and by the way who are you criticizing my maps
(oops did i spell criticize wrong, hey half pint nerd did i)
Sure, and maybe you're life is half as great as it should be? You work at burgerking for minimum wage and lack the ability to go make something of yourself because you give the life effort of "half done"


Taking constructive critisism? A) you say "you're just too stupid" but you miss spell criti>c<ism. and B) you're the one taking it offensivly, I just pointed out the obvious "style" to your N Art, maybe you're the one who should get off N and go get an education.

and on my maps

your acting like you know everything trying to improve my maps
guess what you dont know everyting maybe i like it half done
The first "N" hardly even looks like an n. I kinda a agree with nman. Everyone has their right to an opinion.


just constructive critisism if you take it offensively then just dont be on N because beleive it or not not all your maps are perfect
my maps arent half done its called a style your just too stupid to figure that out
Then again, half of your N Arts are half finished.

