Thinking Outside The Box

Thumbnail of the map 'Thinking Outside The Box'

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Author moshpit2010
Tags author:moshpit2010 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-04-06
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Collab with uNcoNditioNal.
<Mosh> So, two ninjas. One "inside", one "outside".
<uNcoN> A chamber in the center, blended with the tiles, holding the players N.
<Mosh> I'll make the tiles like ancient robots crossed with fishhooks.
<uNcoN> XD!
<Mosh> What next?
<uNcoN> Slanted sides inside the recording-chamber to disorient the player.
<Mosh> Ok. How about only Gauss, Mines, and two drones; since rockets would be too hard to "imagine"?
<uNcoN> Sounds good.

The object here is to record your demo with the N inside the center-chamber. Then, go into Edit Mode and delete the N inside the chamber. Your demo will now be played on the N outside the chamber.
The object is to complete the map using the demo data you recorded from the Inside-N.

Comments and Critique are appreciated.

Ded to the first Completion.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Whole Shebang' Thumbnail of the map 'Unimaginable Resub' Thumbnail of the map 'Roadtrip' Thumbnail of the map 'Enigma' Thumbnail of the map 'I'll Be Missing You' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome Home'
The Whole Shebang Unimaginable Resub Roadtrip Enigma I'll Be Missing You Welcome Home


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I did it!

Very hard! 4.5!
Demo Data


Demo Data


Demo Data


After an entire day of playtesting to see if it's even possible, I've got it.
A useful trick would be approximating where N is by moving your mouse.
Demo Data

A very good idea

but you've made it far too complicated.
Er.. I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking.
I know this is really hard, though. It was designed to be extremely challenging.
Keep trying!

Really hard!

This is so hard... are you supposed to be honest here??