Maniac Qualification Test #20

Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #20'

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Author Maniak
Tags action author:maniak playable rated
Created 2005-05-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Alright, this is the final map for the long-dead Maniac Qualification Test:

I figured it would be best to end it at a round twenty. Anyway, this is a stacked-drone map.

Goal #1: Beat the map.

Goal #2(unnecessary): Beat the map in under 800 frames.

Again, this is the last map, so I encourage everyone to try their hardest to make the most of all 20 maps. It was a very fun contest to make and plan!

Other maps by this author

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41-4 Grudge Match: Substance 1.0 MetaNet Maniac #2 MetaNet Maniac #3 Pillarous let the chips sort them out maNia


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So i got a over-2000 demo data lolz.

Demo Data

Second try

Done. Pity I missed this contest.
Demo Data


I was just browsing through my old contest, then realised that the MQT had only 19 maps. Obviously, I didn't want to continue it, but I figured I might as well make a map to finish it.

both goals

Demo Data

Nice final map.

Here's both goals.
Demo Data


I've got it.
Demo Data


I completed it on my first try. Goal 2 will take a bit longer...
Demo Data
Love the tileset. it's usually possible to jump straght up to that top goal if you jump twice on the slope to get up speed, personally I found the bounceblocks just got in the way. Must try the other maps. Good work (I very rarely give NNNNN)


Goal 2 isn't difficult, but if you dawdle, you won't make it.
Demo Data