
Thumbnail of the map 'Audinance_'

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Author Niphyr
Tags action author:niphyr playable rated
Created 2007-03-28
Last Modified 2007-03-28
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I made this level out of a random tileset that i created not long ago, rate it fairly please.

Other maps by this author

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Bent Condense Spare Allama Don't touch. Audinance


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Pretty fun

but it is crowded. i agree with mech

Nice demo

and thats for the comment.


very fun.
Demo Data


Thankyou for the advice.

it's funny,

this level looks like it's a mini-version of another map, but it's the original isn't it? I don't like the gold much, but it fits the map. pretty nice gameplay, just a little too crowded. Overall, I think it would be great, but just add a little more things, but with less enemies. Like, you could make tunnels connecting from the outside to the center of the map in order to increase play time, it was pretty easy and short. I'd say a 3.5/5, quite enjoyable.