The KRAnk

Thumbnail of the map 'The KRAnk'

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Author victimbf2
Tags author:victimbf2 playable race rated
Created 2007-03-21
Last Modified 2007-03-21
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description My First KRA Race. Hope You Enjoy. RCE.
Edit: -Added locked doors to avoid cheating.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to the Portal' Thumbnail of the map 'Mines Ahead!' Thumbnail of the map 'Minutes to Midnight' Thumbnail of the map 'Down to the Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Within the Carvern' Thumbnail of the map 'You get the point....'
Welcome to the Portal Mines Ahead! Minutes to Midnight Down to the Cavern Within the Carvern You get the point....


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easily cheatable
Demo Data

if you dont cheat

its a pretty good KRA, but I had to show that you dont have to keep it alive. Their should not be any way to get to the door without having to deal with a rocket in your face. 4/5
Demo Data

Spoiler Demo

Demo Data