maze of death

Thumbnail of the map 'maze of death'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author theaceman
Tags author:theaceman playable race rated
Created 2007-03-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description run!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'launch' Thumbnail of the map 'doors' Thumbnail of the map 'dodge' Thumbnail of the map 'another' Thumbnail of the map 'gold' Thumbnail of the map 'which one'
launch doors dodge another gold which one


Pages: (0)


It's the quickest...
Demo Data

Heres some advice

If you'd playtested the map, you would have seen that the drone gets trapped. You should always playtest your maps -_-.
Also, try not to let your levels get too repititious. This is just round and round. Not rating
the point is: this map may be shit but that's really no excuse to go out of your way to deride the guy...
but I read and my maps ever so slowly began to get better, and I started to work a lot harder on my maps, and look at me now!

hes a n00b

no need to mock him or his crappy map.


Wow you guys are so mean ;P

MidnightGetaway ~ "I love how the drone is trapped. Great element of surprise to this map."

Man, I couldn't stop laughing!

Brttx ~ "Nice idea, I've never seen it done before."


That was just cruel xD

Haha this was funny. Faved.


Did I do it wrong?
Demo Data
Great element of surprise to this map.

Here's a tip.

The drone can't get out in the beginning so it can't chase you, it's not very deathy.

Nice idea,

I've never seen it done before.
