Drone Funerals

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Funerals'

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Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2007-03-06
Last Modified 2007-03-07
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description MPT Round 1: exuberance vs. Rincewind SW

Slow-moving map. How fast can you guys get it?

Okay, exubie, it's RE-edited. Sorry about that.

Other maps by this author

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Melody Dandelion Intricacy Adequate Solutions Lugger There Then. Here When? AllWorkAndNoPlay


Screw this.

I think the contest is dead. I have demos, but there's no point in even submitting them.


I'm bored
Demo Data


I say just disregard cheated demos instead of changing the level.

And, btw, you killed one of the drones when you edited before...
its "legit" this time
Demo Data


I was looking at the wrong demo
It qualifies 100%

but cetormentor's demo is a cheat


you can cheat the one-ways because you have a wall to each side.. you can't cheat it with only one wall...



how do YOU know your demo was sub-exuberance? I said I only posted my slow demo... :)

I didn't cheat the one-ways though, so you made up time there
OK, maybe 3 of them are needed: 6 pixels (1/4 snap) away from each other
Kimmie, edit map again
I like the map. It's not that slow. It's just calculated. Demos later!
but this might make kimmie edit her map again ><
Demo Data


To beat my demo (which I don't think is possible), you have to be great at going up to the next level really fast and be able to squish between 2 drones with precision timing.
There is a tiny flick whenever N jumps or lands? Watch it in FBF

Haha Kimmie

You thought that exuberence's demos were FBF? Check out my lighning demos! NOT FBF! I'll show you those "flicks"

You mean those things that happen to get to the upper floor?

Well, just hold your arrow in the direction of the wall and press jump really fast. Not hard. You don't have to use the other arrow key at all.
Such a shame this isn't my map

(c)2007 usaswim

Don't you dare copy my super lightning fast sub-exuberance and sub-800 demo.
Demo Data


AGD. Could have been almost sub-800 if I didn't stumble... GRRR!!!

Sorry exuberance, you will have to do a hell of a lot better than that. Good job with the edits, IAABH, it is much easier.
Demo Data


We aren't all geniuses like you. It takes us a while to process that through our heads. Try using variables like a+b-c :D
Now, FINALLY, I have the right formula (sorry about spamming the map >_< you really should be able to edit comments)

time LEFT in seconds: 146 - (frames * .025)


nevermind. Ignore the last post

The forumula SHOULD be (this works out perfectly)

time= 148 - (frames * .025)

the formula:

time left in seconds =
90 + (gold collected * 2) - (frames * 0.93245)

so to get the time in seconds for an AGD on this map...

time= 148 - (frames * 0.93245)

note that this is an approximate value, but it should be accurate to 1/10th of a second at least
Load the demo in userlevels (with the level code before it, of course), then watch it and write down the time left at the end of the level.

Then do a calculation on the amount of gold taken and the number of frames in the demo, and compare it to the time

I just need to figure out how to convert gametime frames into seconds...

If you want to detect FbF, download N high, and analize the demo using it.

If you see at least 3 1-frame-long key combinations in a row, it /probably/ means FbF was used. It's not perfect, but it's a pretty good way to detect FbF


*overrules self*
legit demo
That's easy to do- hold away from the central line while holding the jump key down, then quickly release the jump key and hit it again. It's easily possible to do it within the time of 1 or 2 frames.


what flicks.

I swear I didn't use FBF.

I was using userlevels because I always forget to record demos in debug- you /can't/ use FBF in userlevels.


The little flicks are impossible to do, as I tried for like ten minutes.
Strike 1 for exubie unless completely proven that those flicks were done in real time.
but I'm not revealing the time ;p

I'm going to wait until the deadline is almost up before I post it.

No, post 'em here.

And you could also save them and wait for Rincewind so you can compare to his...
Just a thought, though.


sextuple post... 6-in-a-row...

<insert random gggggggggrrrrrrr here>
That way we don't know what to beat.


or editing... gggggggrrrrrrrrrr

gggrrr. NUMA doesn'y support smileys or BBcode. gggrrr


Demo Data


good point

*revises again*