
Thumbnail of the map 'Blocks'

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Author skyline356
Tags author:skyline356 playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-03-06
Last Modified 2008-01-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description My first map.


Pages: (0)


this is pretty good for a first.


Your maps started out great!
I was playing your glayyyyyshur race, as it's in my favorites, and I realized you didn't have many maps before it. And this is just your first, but I REALLY like it. You might've not known about the glitch that you could hit the door through the one-way? I think you're supossed to go back around and do the super launchpad jump again, but you can skip it. Anyway, 5 :)

And yeah, this is an old map, but I felt like praising you cause this was really fun!
Demo Data

Hey baby

whussit liek righ before u goto bed wen u try to get all comfurtabel liek
But you don't need that many mines. You could have done the job with half as many. Still, I like the concept. Pretty good. (4/5)
the NAN I mean.