simpal 4

Thumbnail of the map 'simpal 4'

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Author 29403
Tags action author:29403 playable rated
Created 2007-03-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description easy.
Ded to fastest apgd.

Other maps by this author

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climb numbah 2! simpal 3 PLACE Gaustralia II kitty Honeycomb


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This map played well, and I liked the challenges to get to the switches. Not the best map of yours I've ever seen, but I liked it.


Map 81000

if anybody cares...
ncie little challenges to get the switches, although i dont think the second lazer was really nesasery. (i cant spell)

The aesthetics just weren't that good, and the gameplay wasn't on par with the rest of your maps. 3/5

Ooh... Fun level.

TS is a bit bland though.