Maximum Gimpy Texans

Thumbnail of the map 'Maximum Gimpy Texans'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2007-02-25
Last Modified 2007-02-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description ~*Dedicated to MaximumRide, Gimp, and McP3000*~

This is a vent with them.



Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Snow Big Deal' Thumbnail of the map 'Spoked' Thumbnail of the map '3-8-7' Thumbnail of the map 'Cheeslov Bunny Noise' Thumbnail of the map 'MnM' Thumbnail of the map 'In my own *twitch* little room *twitch*'
Snow Big Deal Spoked 3-8-7 Cheeslov Bunny Noise MnM In my own *twitch* little room *twitch*


Pages: (0)

and as a wise man (It was me) once said...
Rust in peace.
No okay, that's just what I'm listening to right now, :P
what I really want to say is, you've just made the whole experience of NUMA so much crazier and more enjoyable for me, and you got me into all these other great mapmakers and you might even be solely responsible for me staying on here and not going stark raving mad... I know that NUMA is only as strong as it's most innovative members, and you numbered among them. You might have been overrated, but hell, playing your maps, I never felt I was overrating, even sometimes with a 5/5. You've deserved the attention you've got because I believe you're a genuinely good person and I would have loved to actually get to know you....


A,K,A, Marc Zendall
Pres. Black Eidolon Inc.

here's a demo of me... winning... sobbing... falling apart at the seams...

". . . . <3 U . . . ."
Demo Data
you are the coolest person I've never met.
I have a gigantic amount of respect for you and your map-making ability and I hope you have good fortune in your future... stay cool.


sad to see you go, but ashes to ashes and all that depressing mumbo-jumbo...

<3 you forever.



I didn't like it. The top was too hard. It's nearly impossible to get all the switches, and not at all fun. There are too many drones. The only thing I liked about it was the middle. The gp there was pretty nice.


*cheats* bloody brilliant. this is ggoing in user levels. 4.5/5


so. hard.
I die while trying to go around to try and get the other switches :P
4.5/5 for its amazingness.
<3. i wish i could have gotten to know you better. your an amazing person.


thats fun and cool. better than mine. 4/5.