Sprint 4

Thumbnail of the map 'Sprint 4'

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Author Brickman
Tags action author:brickman playable rated
Created 2005-05-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I just made a huge two paragraph introduction to this map, and lost the whole darn thing becasue I wanted to check the picture before submitting. . . you should really make that not lose the data, arachnid. Anyways, its another map in the sprint series, which I like, and it has an ending which I like, and it requires a little bit more thinking than first glance would say, which I like. Now play it and enjoy it, before I lapse into another few months of no maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The one free man' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss: bounty hunter' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss: Beholder' Thumbnail of the map 'To the death' Thumbnail of the map 'Sprint 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Up, up, and. . . run away!'
The one free man Boss: bounty hunter Boss: Beholder To the death Sprint 3 Up, up, and. . . run away!


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Great for speed demos. 3.5 but i'll round up plus faved.
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cant get no better........

check it out

An interesting glitch =)

I'll post a completion demo when I do it... that will take a long time.
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seriously fast demo

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I loved it it was so exciting and i loved the start plus since i had my starting key as space it made that first jump easier but holding left or right was sill really tricky!


Wot is ure real name because a friend at my school saz he is brickman so i want to get it strait
cool level (Extreme Sarcasm)

Faster demo

More adrenaline!
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Now, THAT is adrenaline for you.
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I'm glad you liked it. Those are some nice demos.
I did sincerely consider giving n a bit more time in that first column, but if I moved him up a half a tile it would be too easy and not at all entertaining, and I couldn't move the thwump down further. And I certainly didn't want to have n's start be off the gridlock, that just seems sloppy to me. I also tried making it like the third column (actually tried it before making the third column), but it also didn't feel right and wasn't as good as the actual third column (and I didn't want to do that stunt twice in one map). So I just left it with a tricky beginning.
Did anyone other than nevermore have the ending not work all the time? I tried to make sure they would all miss due the momentum from the last column, but I wasn't sure. I was surprised that most of you ended up running in--almost every time I did it, he flew into the doorway like this.
Demo Data

Great fun.

That first thwump was a little bit annoying, but it does make the beginning pretty cool.
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Nice map.

Hard, but a good adrenaline rush.


So close.
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for a frame by frame. that is a pretty good demo. I have one that is half fbf, half not, but there are already plenty of demos around here.

Speed demo

Disclaimer: The following demo was completely and entirely constructing using frame by frame. Thank you for your time.
Demo Data


this is a demo of an odd way to die.

one thing that annoyed me about this map was the very beginning. Having to hit jump at just the right time after hitting "p" while holding down the right or left arrow key with another finger became simply aggravating. (unless you use frame by frame at the beginning every time). I think it would be much nicer to make it like the second thwump tunnel - where you actually start outside and run into it. Other than this (which I really didn't like), I loved the map.
Demo Data


Now THAT was crazy. Seriously, that was one of the greates rushes I've ever had.
That middle part with the jump where the thwump chases you was brilliant. Nice job, brickman. But don't stop making maps!
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