
Thumbnail of the map 'Second'

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Author NineInch
Tags author:nineinch playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-02-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My second map
Made sure it can be beaten :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Beginner'


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Disregard DC33

I find it pretty neat. The overall structure and gameplay of the map is pretty cool.

A few pointers:

One, try using less enemies while keeping the excitement. Instead of five gausses, try using three gausses that cover more area.

Two, no trap doors that block the exit. Nobody likes a trial and error map. Meaning, nobody want to start the map over because of a hidden trap door.

Three, more push. Push is what drives the player to inish the map. Maps with a lot of push are relatively more exciting.

Keep it up, you certainly have potential.

Well, I liked it.

It could totally use a rocket, though. Anyway, favorited. Good job. You're totally improving.


Whats wrong with it? Why am I getting a .5 rating?
99% of good maps take more than 3 minutes to make.
Put more time and effort into your maps from now on.