
Thumbnail of the map 'Disillusioned'

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Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker playable race rated
Created 2007-02-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My first race. Since I'm not right now giving a demo, I'll give a DeD to the first one. If no one gets it in a while, I'll post a demo.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'And LIGHTNING Fell From The SKY!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Right Back Atchya!' Thumbnail of the map 'N-credible' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tower of Piwa' Thumbnail of the map 'I Tried...' Thumbnail of the map 'A Starry Fight'
And LIGHTNING Fell From The SKY!!! Right Back Atchya! N-credible The Tower of Piwa I Tried... A Starry Fight


Pages: (0)

not bad

no need to make it easier
Demo Data


so basically, snailsrule........making it easier would be nice, in those places.......ok ty, i'll resubmit it with these changes!
try out the new one too

Oh yah


That part where you have to jump into the thwump above you (somewhere at the bottom with the laser drone). Try placing another tile to the right of the one you jump off of. Most of the time, N just slips off the block and dies.

The beginning is annoying. Many times, N hits the ceiling and crashes into the top mine.

Gah that floorguard is annoying. Try making it easier to dodge the floorguard, maybe by placing a bigger gap to jump into.

Finally, in the oval-shaped thingy with the gauss and the rocket launcher. If you go fast enough, N sometimes misses one of the trapdoor switches. A gap in the waqll results, N trips over it (sometimes), and the gauss kills him. Try reducing the number of trapdoors placed in the same spot to avoid this.

NR for now.

i like it

unique use of trapdoors and sections, very interesting and unexpected. the flow was pretty good. 4/5
give me suggestions if you have any, please


close snails......DeD to you if no one gets closer
Demo Data