27-1: Ninny Blue

Thumbnail of the map '27-1:  Ninny Blue'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2007-02-06
Last Modified 2007-02-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description bluenin's first overdue ded! And it is teh awsum.
So gimme AGDs and comments and rates.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '26-0:  My Brave Face' Thumbnail of the map '26-1:  Gopher' Thumbnail of the map '26-2:  Blok' Thumbnail of the map '26-3:  Sheep' Thumbnail of the map '26-4:  Room 666' Thumbnail of the map '27-0:  Viscinity of Obscenity'
26-0: My Brave Face 26-1: Gopher 26-2: Blok 26-3: Sheep 26-4: Room 666 27-0: Viscinity of Obscenity


Pages: (0)


I'll all gold it later when my comp decides to behave.
Bitch ass iMac.


Really nice 'n tidy.
Gameplay works really well.
That gold placement combined with the curved tiles is awesome.

*Throws AGD at Kimmie*
Demo Data

I don't care.

Thanks for the honest rating. Really, thanks.

If you care, I rated this a 2.5.



Why hasn't anyone said that???
I'm thinking of hiring another sniper so my average is reasonable.


Its decent, average on your part. Ive seen you do a lot better. Put some effort in to your next map, it wont matter a lot anyways, you're quite over rated on numa.
Demo Data
but then died... subsequently, I can no longer even get the switch... :P
It's hard to describe my love for this level..
Gold placement is great.. simple but good.
I like the tileset... If it was me I make the outside perfect and sexy and full of unnecessary cool stuff - but your awesome gameplay makes up for any flaws. I especially like the switch, no matter how much it's kicking my butt!