Straight from the Chinee

Thumbnail of the map 'Straight from the Chinee'

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Author 10tacle
Tags author:10tacle n-art rated
Created 2007-01-26
Last Modified 2007-01-26
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This is a total of three N Arts for me now. im not sure what to name it sooo give me some suggestions. Also BONUS POINTS for who ever guesses what it says.

Other maps by this author

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Thorny (Improved) Camping is N-Tents Rise Against


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hey sanguine howd you guess it and good job kai_n for being pretty close with out me telling you :)


it says Taylor(Tai-Lee)... kai_n, are u chinee?

i think it's

tai lee or something similar

If you must know..

This map says my name:) i didnt think any one would guess it. but maybe some chinese kid will log on and guess, you never know

once again,

you never fail to impress me.

good try...

... but no thats not what it says. and thanks for the name ideas.

Name Ideeas

Bushido, way of the samurai/ninja, Pride of a samurai...


the last character looks like fire......Bitesized, Faved, 5/5