
Thumbnail of the map 'Opal'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author nevermore
Tags action author:nevermore playable rated v1.4b
Created 2005-04-29
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description I really like the flow of this map. It's pretty deceptive, and it's really not my regular style at all. It's made to be played like the real game - once again, all gold stunts your time while some gold gives it to you.
Please rate, comment, post demos, etc... You know how it goes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tattletale' Thumbnail of the map 'Xenophobe' Thumbnail of the map 'Contraction' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower Crash' Thumbnail of the map 'Ostentatious' Thumbnail of the map 'Razzmatazz'
Tattletale Xenophobe Contraction Tower Crash Ostentatious Razzmatazz


Pages: (0)


the bottom section was ace fun, BUT- You really get sick of beating it after a while.

... that's my only criticism. Not much to pay for your final vote on this map....

love it.

seriously. all around coolness. your use of bounce blocks at the bottom was kind of bothersome at times (probably mostly due to my laggy computer) but after some trial and error I got the hang of it. and it rocks. here is just a funny demo. i hope to complete it tonight.
Demo Data